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Please refer to the Product Summary and Policy Document for details of the terms and conditions.
1Capital guarantee is after 10th year only if you purchased a PRUWealth Plus (SGD) policy of single premium payment term. For a policy of 5 years and 10 years premium payment term on an annual premium payment mode, the capital guarantee is after the 15th year and the 18th year respectively. For a policy of 15 years and 20 years premium payment term on an annual premium payment mode, the capital guarantee is after the 19th year. This is also provided there has not been any policy alterations such as partial surrender since inception.
2The payout computation varies depending on the chosen premium term. For single premium term, the payout is 10% of single premium and for all regular premium terms, it is based on 50% of annualised premiums. The retrenchment benefit payment amount is subject to a maximum of S$100,000 for each policyowner, across all policies owned by them, that have a retrenchment benefit.
3Not applicable for single premium policy paid via SRS funds. Appointment of secondary life assured is restricted to the policy owner’s immediate family members and is subject to acceptance by us.
4Not applicable for single premium policy paid via SRS funds. Change of life assured is subject to insurable interest with original policy owner(s). For regular premium policy, you can choose to change the life assured to another life assured only after the premium payment term of the policy. For single premium policy paid using cash, you can only choose to change the life assured after 2 years from the cover start date of the policy. Other terms and conditions apply, please refer to product summary for more details.
5Any withdrawal from a PRUWealth Plus (SGD) policy is a partial surrender and must be requested by the customer. Any partial surrender will result in a reduction in the long-term value of the policy. If the policy is surrendered, the surrender value payable (if any) may be less than the total premiums paid.
6Capital guarantee is after 10th year only if you purchased a PRUWealth (USD) policy of single premium payment term. For a policy of 5 years and 10 years premium payment term on an annual premium payment mode, the capital guaranteed is after 20th year. This is also provided there has not been any policy alterations such as partial surrender since inception.
7Upon the death of the primary life assured, the policy continues with cover on the life of the appointed secondary life assured instead, and no death benefit will be payable. Any supplementary benefits attached will be terminated upon the death of the primary life assured. There will be no changes to the original premium payment term or policy term, and premium payment for the policy continues (if applicable). Appointment of secondary life assured is restricted to the policy owner’s immediate family members and is subject to acceptance by Prudential.
8Any withdrawal from a PRUWealth (USD) policy is a partial surrender and must be requested by the customer. Any partial surrender will result in a reduction in the long-term value of the policy. If the policy is surrendered, the surrender value payable (if any) may be less than the total premiums paid.
9The Death Benefit will be the higher of:
(a) 105% of single premium paid/total premiums paid (but not premiums for supplementary benefit [if any]) as at time of death, less any bonus surrendered;
(b) or 101% of the surrender value, less any amounts owing to us. Payout of Death Benefit only takes place if there is no appointment of a secondary life assured.
10On the maturity date we pay a maturity benefit in a lump sum. The maturity benefit is a percentage of the face value plus all the bonuses that we have added to the policy, less any amounts owing to us in connection with your policy. The bonuses are not guaranteed.
11The death benefit payable will be the higher of:
(a) 105% of the total premiums paid up to time of death (but not premiums for supplementary benefits [if any]) less any bonus surrendered; or
(b) 101% of the surrender value, less any amounts owing to us.
12Maturity benefit is computed based on Face Value + bonuses (if any), less any outstanding amount payable. Face Value is a notional value used to determine the Reversionary Bonuses (non-guaranteed) and the maturity benefit. It is not the sum assured of the policy. Bonuses, if any, are not guaranteed and will vary according to the future performance of the participating funds.
13The Death Benefit will be the higher of:
(a) 105% of the total premium paid (excluding premiums for supplementary benefit (if any)), or
(b) 101% of the Surrender Value, less any outstanding amounts payable.
Please refer to the Product Summary and Policy Document for details of the terms and conditions.
1Monthly cash benefit is computed based on a percentage of single premium paid.
2If the life assured becomes disabled because of an accident before age 70, we pay the higher of:
(a) 105% of single premium, or
(b) 101% of the surrender value as at the date the life assured was certified to be disabled due to an accident, plus any cash benefit left with us, less any outstanding amount payable.
3This benefit will be terminated after the retrenchment benefit is paid out. The retrenchment benefit payment amount is subject to a maximum of S$100,000 for each policyowner, across all policies owned by them, that have a retrenchment benefit. Waiting period of 90 days applies. Only applicable during the first 5 policy years when the policyowner is retrenched and remains unemployed for 30 continuous days from the date of retrenchment before turning 65 years old.
4Upon death of the life assured, we pay the higher of:
(a) 101% of single premium, or
(b) 101% of the surrender value as at the time of death, plus any cash benefit left with us, less any outstanding amount payable.
Upon accidental death of the life assured, we pay the higher of:
(a) 105% of single premium, or
(b) 101% of the surrender value as at the time of death, plus any cash benefit left with us, less any outstanding amount payable.
5When there is no change in life assured.
6This benefit will be terminated after the retrenchment benefit is paid out. The retrenchment benefit payment amount is subject to a maximum of S$100,000 for each policyowner, across all policies owned by them, that have a retrenchment benefit. Waiting period of 90 days applies. Only applicable during the premium payment term when the policyowner is retrenched and remains unemployed for 30 continuous days from the date of the date of retrenchment before turning 65 years old.
7Death Benefit will be the higher of:
(a) 101% of total premiums paid (excludes premiums paid for supplementary benefits (if any)); or
(b) 101% of the surrender value as at the time of death, plus any cash benefit left with us, less any amounts you owe us.
If death is due to an accident, the Accidental Death Benefit will be the higher of:
(a) 105% of total premiums paid (excluding premiums paid for supplementary benefits (if any)); or
(b) 101% of the surrender value as at the time of death, plus any cash benefit left with us, less any amounts you owe us.
8Subject to the performance of the participating fund. The step-up income is at least the same or more than the previous year.
9Choice of payout age from age 50 to 90.
10Maturity benefit consists of the last instalment of monthly income and a maturity bonus, less any amount owing to us.
11PRUActive Retirement II provides coverage against total and permanent disability of the life assured because of an accident during the term of the policy, or before the policy anniversary prior to the life assured attaining age 70, whichever is earlier.
12The yearly cash benefit is 3% of the PRUActive Cash policy’s face value. The face value is a notional value used to determine the yearly cash benefit, bonuses (non-guaranteed), and the maturity benefit. It is not the sum assured of the policy.
13The Maturity Benefit consists of the last instalment of the yearly cash benefit, guaranteed maturity value and non-guaranteed maturity bonuses (if any), less any amount owing to us.
14The Death Benefit will be the higher of:
(a) 105% of total premiums paid up to the time of death (but not premiums for supplementary benefits [if any]) less any bonus surrendered (if any); or
(b) 101% of the surrender value, plus any cash benefit that you have left with us to accumulate with interest, less any amounts owing to us.