Relaxation Day 2020: 5 Tips to Treat Your Body and Mind

Chronic stress can harm your mental and physical well-being. Download and register with Pulse by Prudential app to better understand your health and take control of your healthcare!

Relaxation Day is coming up on 15 August 2020 and this year it falls on a Saturday, the perfect day for people to relax and tune off from their daily stressors.

Some daily stressors that we face in our day-to-day living can be routine, such as caring for a child or work responsibilities, or it can be unexpected, sudden and disruptive such as the Circuit Breaker.

As stated in this article, in this period of new normal where many of us are still working from home, we may find that the lines between work, home, and leisure have blurred tremendously, bringing additional stressors into our life. Daily stressors may seem normal and part of our daily lives but if not managed properly, it can turn into chronic stress.

Do you know that chronic stress can cause a variety of symptoms and affect your mental and physical well-being? According to Healthline1 some symptoms of stress include irritability, anxiety, depression, headaches and insomnia and can also lead to illnesses such as increased blood pressure, heartburn or acid reflux etc.

In 2019, The Straits Times2 reported that Singapore spends about US$2.3 billion (S$3.1 billion), or 18 per cent, of its total healthcare expenditure on stress-related illnesses annually.

With the occurrence of COVID-19 pandemic this year, it has been additionally stressful for everyone. So, let’s celebrate this day by taking a step back to relax and chill.

Here are five ways to unwind and pamper of yourself on Relaxation Day:

1. Create a retreat in the comfort of your home.

One way to manage your daily stressors is to create a space for retreat within your home. This space should be filled with things that makes you feel happy, comfortable and relaxed. It could be anything from music, games, books, pictures, aroma diffusers or even flowers. It is also important that this space is kept cosy and sacred so you can focus on being relaxed with little distractions.


2. Go for a walk.

Being in the outdoors and amongst some greenery allows your mind some time to relax and recharge. Many studies have shown that spending time outdoors has many positive effects on your mental health and is a great stress reliever. Taking a walk also allows your physical body to loosen up and lower your blood pressure.

3. Spend time with people who make you laugh.

Now in Phase 2, we can receive up to 5 visitors over to our house for some bonding time and catching up. Surround yourself with close friends and family, spend time with them and have a good laugh. More laughter in your life means less stress. Laughter triggers a release of endorphins, which helps you create a positive state of mind and boosts optimism, you will feel less stressed in no time.

4. Meditate or stretch.

Meditation and stretching has many mental and physical benefits, it helps to relieve stress and its easy even for beginners. A few minutes a day can help you to unwind and relax wherever you are. It also allows you to re-connect and tune in with your mind and body.

Take the chance on Relaxation Day to start creating a daily habit of meditation and stretching. Here are some ways that technology can help guide us stay calm and connected.

5. Get a massage.

Spas and massage parlours can resume operations in Phase 2. Massage therapy is relaxing and stress-relieving. It helps with relaxing your muscles, relieving anxiety, improving sleep, and boosting energy levels. If you are looking for a relaxing activity to do on Relaxation Day, head out and pamper yourself with a nice massage!

We hope these tips will help you re-connect with your mind and body, helping you to spend a relaxing day. Remember to Do Less on Relaxation Day.


Download and register with Pulse by Prudential, so that you can Do Less for yourself as you have a digital health tracker that’s got your back.

1The effects of stress on your body. (2020) Retrieved from

2Singapore spends $3.1 billion on stress-related illnesses annually: Study. (2019) Retrieved from